Liquid-applied waterproofing systems for road bridges

Find answers to frequently asked questions about Matacryl waterproofing systems

What is a liquid-applied waterproofing system?

a. A liquid-applied waterproofing system is a type of waterproof coating that is applied in liquid form form on concrete, steel or aluminium bridge deck slabs.

b. The system is used to protect bridges against water ingress and corrosion, which extends the life of bridges and ensures their structural integrity.

What are the general requirements for waterproofing systems according to AMA?

a. Liquid-applied waterproofing systems must have a European Technical Approval (ETA) according to ETAG 033 or equivalent.

b. The system shall be supplied with the manufacturer's design rules, installation instructions and maintenance and repair instructions.

c. The waterproofing system shall be adapted to the substrate and fulfil requirements for subsequent coating.

What are the specific requirements for liquid-applied waterproofing systems according to ETAG 033?

a. ETAG 033 specifies minimum requirements that waterproofing systems must fulfil to obtain a
European Technical Approval (ETA).

b. These include:

i. Adhesion strength
ii. Crack-bridging ability
iii. Resistance to chloride ion penetration
iv. Resistance to dynamic stresses

How is the adhesion strength of a waterproofing system tested?

a. Adhesion strength is tested by applying a tensile force to the waterproofing and measuring the
force required to release it from the substrate.

b. The requirement is at least 2.5 MPa at normal test (23˚C) according to SS-EN 13596.

What is crack-bridging capability?

a. Crack bridging capability means that the waterproofing system can bridge cracks in the substrate without cracking or losing its tightness.

b. This is tested by applying the waterproofing to a substrate with a controlled crack and then subjecting it to load.

What are the requirements for waterproofing systems with a protective layer of asphalt concrete according to AMA JB/1?

a. Adhesion to substrate: at least 2,5 MPa (individual value at least 2,0 MPa)

b. Resistance to high temperatures: Not less than 2,0 MPa (individual value not less than 1,5 MPa) at 140˚C

c. Freeze/thaw: Not less than 2,5 MPa (individual value not less than 2,0 MPa) after freeze/thaw cycles

d. Crack bridging ability: Approved according to SS-EN 14224 after heat exposure and heat ageing

e. Waterproofness: Approved according to SS-EN 14694

Do MATACRYL WS 8-10 mm and MATACRYL WS 4-6 mm fulfil the requirements of ETAG 033?

a. Yes, both MATACRYL WS 8-10 mm and MATACRYL WS 4-6 mm fulfil the requirements of ETAG 033.

Here are specific data from the test results:
i. MATACRYL WS 8-10 mm:

1. Adhesion to concrete: 2.61 MPa, which fulfils the requirement of at least 2.5 MPa.
2. frost resistance: after 200 freeze/thaw cycles, the adhesion was 2.21 MPa, which fulfils the requirement of at least 1.5 MPa
3. Watertightness: The system fulfils the requirements for watertightness.

ii. MATACRYL WS 4-6 mm:

1. Adhesion to concrete: 2,18 MPa, which fulfils the requirement of at least 2,0 MPa.
2. frost resistance: after 200 freeze/thaw cycles, the adhesion was 1.85 MPa, which fulfils the requirement of at least 1.5 MPa
3. Watertightness: The system fulfils the requirements for watertightness.

b. These results confirm that the MATACRYL WS 8-10 mm and MATACRYL WS 4-6 mm waterproofing systems fulfil the necessary performance requirements of ETAG 033 and are suitable for use on bridges.